Soft top surfboards not recyclable? 5 foam brands that show the mass industry how it’s done

It’s commonly known that foam surfboards are products of the petrochemical industry. Foamies haven’t got the best reputation when it comes to sustainability. Are soft top surfboards just adding to the plastic soup? We want to introduce some young surf companies that are working on a more eco technology of making soft tops. Meet Spooked Kooks from Bondi, SkunkWorks from Ireland, Notos Korko from France and INT and Formula Fun from California.

gopro soft top surfboard

How to mount a GoPro on a soft top

It’s crazy if you think about the amount of GoPro’s and other action cams that end up on the ocean floor each year. Most people think a regular adhesive Surfboard Mount will do – BUT THEY’RE WRONG and you’ll see why in the next alinea. So what does work on soft boards? There are three different ways to attach an Action cam to a foam surfboard:
1. Use a Bodyboard Mount
2. Use a Leash Plug Mount
3. Use Clams or Jaw-type Action Cam Holders
They all involve some extra gear that you have to purchase (starting from €10). All three methods of attaching your action cam to your foam surfboard have different pros and cons. We hope this little guide on how to mount a GoPro on a soft top surfboard is useful to you!

why does a surfboard yellow

Why does a surfboard turn yellow?

– This one isn’t about soft tops but about regular surfboards –
Bummer! It’s such a shame that epoxy or fiberglass surfboards turn yellow. So, why does a surfboard turn yellow? The short answer is: exposure to UV radiation. If the board has been in the sun too much, it’s resin and foam can slowly turn from white to yellow. But why do some boards turn yellow only after a few months, and others never? And what can you do about it? And do surfboards exist that don’t turn yellow?