
Hi there! Do you have a surf brand and would you like to collaborate? Have us place an article with links? Review your products? Drop us a line!

FoamieCrews’ reach

FoamieCrew has between 10.000 and 15.000 unique monthly visitors. Our readers are from all over the world. Our top 10 visiting countries are the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, China and New Zealand.

Thousands of ready-to-buy customers find our review videos on Youtube. The next few years we’d be stoked to make more review vids!

Are you looking for surf and lifestyle influencers with huuuuge social media following? Than we’re not the ones you’re looking for. Why? Because Instagram and Facebook require a lot of time. We prefer long-form content above short and daily updates. That’s because we prefer to spend less time on our phones and more time in the water. We built this blog on SEO purely and it’s very unlikely that FoamieCrew will be on other social media channels than Youtube and Pinterest.

About us

We started the FoamieCrew blog in november 2018. Nina, content marketer by trade, was staying in Conil, Spain, for a month. Together with some surf friends we saw that there were no good reviews about soft top surfboards. While in our group of surfing mates, foamies were very popular. We decided to start writing reviews about the boards we surfed.

Our crew enjoying a sunset surf at home in The Netherlands